Patient Care Services

I provide wholistic, trauma-informed evaluation and management of concerns related to feeding, growth, and gastrointestinal symptoms in infants, as well as lactation-related care from prenatal counseling through weaning. I have specialty expertise in bottle-feeding, feeding aversions, and feeding in infants who have required special medical care (e.g., in the NICU).

Initial Comprehensive Appointments

Initial comprehensive evaluation for concerns related to infant feeding, growth, and/or gastrointestinal issues.

  • These appointments last up to 2 hours and include a comprehensive medical and family history, a full physical examination and growth assessment (for in-person appointments), and feeding assessment (breastfeeding, bottle-feeding, and/or solid foods). We will discuss reasons for your infant’s feeding difficulties and come up with a plan together. I will provide you with a summary of recommendations and will send a report to your infant’s pediatric healthcare provider (if desired). These appointments include 2 weeks of continued communication by email/messaging to answer questions.

  • $375 In-office

    $425 In-home (within my travel radius*)

    $325 Telehealth

    Additional fees:

    +Parking & Tolls (these fees will be added to your bill)

    +$100 for appointments after-hours and on weekends

    +$50 for every 15 mins outside my travel radius

    +$100 procedure fee for replacement of nasogastric tube

    Payment is due at time of the visit.

    I will provide you with a superbill to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. Please check with your insurance company prior to the appointment about reimbursement for out-of-network care by a Nurse Practitioner. I cannot guarantee reimbursement.

    *In-home services available in the following towns: Dedham, Dover, Medfield, Needham, Newton, Norwood, Walpole, Wellesley, West Roxbury, & Westwood.

    In-office appointments are offered at One Hollis St., Suite 215 in Wellesley, MA.

    Telehealth appointments available to patients within Massachusetts and held virtually on my HIPAA-compliant telehealth platform.

Follow-up Appointments

Follow-up comprehensive appointment for established patients related to infant feeding, growth, and/or gastrointestinal issues.

  • These appointments last up to 90 minutes and include a discussion of progress, a full physical examination and growth assessment (in-person appointments only), and feeding assessment (breastfeeding, bottle-feeding, and/or solid food feeding). We will come up with a plan together for how to move forward. I will provide you with a summary of recommendations and will send a report to your infant’s pediatric healthcare provider (if desired). These appointments include 2 weeks of continued communication by email/messaging to answer questions.

  • $325 In-office

    $375 In-home (within my travel radius*)

    $275 Telehealth

    Additional fees:

    +Parking & Tolls (these fees will be added to your bill)

    +$100 for appointments after-hours and on weekends

    +$50 for every 15 mins outside my travel radius

    +$100 procedure fee for replacement of nasogastric tube

    Payment is due at time of the visit.

    I will provide you with a superbill to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. Please check with your insurance company prior to the appointment about reimbursement for out-of-network care by a Nurse Practitioner. I cannot guarantee reimbursement.

    *In-home services available in the following towns: Dedham, Dover, Medfield, Needham, Newton, Norwood, Walpole, Wellesley, West Roxbury, & Westwood.

    In-office appointments are offered at One Hollis St. Suite 215 in Wellesley.

    Telehealth appointments available to patients within Massachusetts and held virtually on my HIPAA-compliant telehealth platform.

Virtual Lactation Appointments

Prenatal lactation counseling, pumping, milk supply issues, back-to-work/school planning, and weaning consultations.

  • These are 1-hour personalized appointments specific to your lactation needs. These appointments come with 2 weeks of continued communication by email/messaging to answer questions.

    Prenatal counseling - We will review steps to establish breastfeeding and milk supply, review your medical and pregnancy history, answer your questions, and I will provide you with recommended resources.

    Pumping - I will walk you through using your pump and safely storing your milk.

    Milk supply issues - We will review your medical history, work to identify causes of milk supply issues, and come up with a plan together.

    Back-to-work/school - We will come up with a plan together to build a milk supply for your baby prior to return and make a plan for maintaining your supply while you are away from your baby.

    Weaning - We will work together to come up with a plan for weaning.

  • $250

    Payment is due at time of the visit.

    These appointments are billed under the mother’s name. I will provide you with a superbill to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. Please check with your insurance company prior to the appointment about reimbursement for a telemedicine visit with a CLC (Certified Lactation Counselor). I cannot guarantee reimbursement.

    These appointments are held virtually on my HIPAA-compliant telehealth platform.

Request Patient Care Appointment

Click on the button below and complete the form. Or, call 617-902-8774.

Commonly Treated Conditions

Bottle-feeding Difficulties

Bottle-feeding is not always easy. I have expertise in assessing infant bottle-feeding and can help you find a way to feed your baby by bottle that is safe and enjoyable for all.

  • Baby not taking enough by bottle

  • Bottle-feeding refusal or aversion

  • Difficulty latching, drooling, coughing or choking during bottle-feeds

  • Bottle-feeding babies born prematurely or with other special medical needs

Breastfeeding Difficulties

Breastfeeding can be challenging, but the right support can make all the difference. I can help you reach your breastfeeding goals even when there are challenges.

  • Difficulty latching, coughing or choking at breast

  • Tongue and/or lip tie

  • Not sure if baby is getting enough at breast

  • Breastfeeding multiples

  • Breastfeeding babies born prematurely or with special medical needs

Starting Solids & Introducing a Cup

There’s a lot of information out there about starting solids, but it’s not always clear who you can trust. I can help you with determining when your baby is ready and how to manage early difficulties.

  • Determining when your baby is ready for solids

  • Starting solids or introducing a cup in a baby who had trouble with breastfeeding and/or bottle-feeding

  • Gagging, coughing, or refusal to eat solids

  • Difficulty transitioning to more complex foods

Growth Issues & Concerns

When babies aren’t growing like we expect, it can be scary and stressful.

  • Poor growth or “falling off their growth curve”

  • Supporting oral feeding in babies with a feeding tube

  • Increasing calories for babies who are breastfeeding, bottle-feeding, or eating solid foods

Gastrointestinal Issues

I have expertise in understanding and managing gastrointestinal symptoms in babies.

  • Reflux

  • Constipation

  • Diarrhea & gas

  • Abdominal discomfort

Transition to Home After the NICU

Infants and families who have experienced the NICU have unique needs once they go home.

  • Support for families in the transition from NICU to home

  • Feeding and growth monitoring after NICU discharge

  • Multiples

We sought out many resources and medical experts during the months that our infant twins struggled with feeding issues. Among them, Britt stood out for her ability to truly listen and intently observe. Britt watched the boys bottle feed with a real attention to detail and was able to pick up on nuances that no one else had. We also appreciated that all of her suggestions were rooted in evidence-based research. Britt's advice helped make feedings smoother and less stressful for both us and our babies.”

Parent Testimonials

“I would highly recommend Britt for any feeding issues with your infant/child. Before finding Britt we attempted to see specialists at Children’s Hospital and were scheduled for 4 months out.

Desperate for other options I found Britt’s contact information online and reached out. She spoke with me at length over the phone and then made a house call the same day! She was able to diagnose our daughter with a bottle feeding aversion and gave us specific steps to follow to correct the issue. Britt followed up with us over the next couple of days (and weeks) to check in and make sure our daughter was making progress.

We feel extremely fortunate to have found Britt. She has a wealth of knowledge about infant feeding that extends far beyond that of a typical pediatrician (our pediatrician had never heard of a bottle aversion). Britt made us feel comfortable and cared for during a stressful time and helped us quickly overcome the bottle feeding aversion.”

“Britt is a wonderful, supportive and extremely knowledgeable LC. I found each session with her to be so helpful and empowering. Would highly recommend her services!”

“Britt is amazing ! She’s so patient, so kind and such a great listener. She never makes you feel as though you’re doing anything wrong and her approach is gentle and effective.”

“I really enjoyed working with Britt - she was very helpful while I was learning how to feed my baby. She is professional, kind, empathetic, and knowledgeable in her field.”

“Britt is an incredibly knowledge and reassuring consultant and a must for any new mom looking for feeding care. I would highly recommend her.”

“Britt was wonderful... So knowledgeable and also compassionate and helpful, taking time to answer all of our questions thoroughly to make sure we understood everything. Things have greatly improved with our baby since seeing her. She is a great resource. Definitely recommend seeing her!”