Pediatric Eating Assessment Tool (PediEAT)

  • PediEAT Full Version

    The PediEAT is intended to measure symptoms of problematic feeding in young children between 6 months and 7 years old who are being offered solid foods (anything other than liquids).

    Languages Available: English, Spanish, Argentinian Spanish, Romanian, Persian, Hebrew, German, & Greek


    Development and content validation of the Pediatric Eating Assessment Tool (Pedi-EAT).

    The Pediatric Eating Assessment Tool: Factor structure and psychometric properties.

    Age-based norm-reference values for the Pediatric Eating Assessment Tool.

  • PediEAT Screener 6 - 15 months

    The PediEAT Screener 6 months - 15 months is intended for screening children within this age range whose parents and healthcare providers do not currently have concerns about feeding. For example, some NICU/Developmental Follow-up Clinics use the Screener version for all children who attend the clinic. If there are any concerns, the parent should complete the PediEAT Full Version.

    Languages Available: English, Spanish, Romanian, Hebrew

  • PediEAT Screener 15 months - 2.5 Years

    The PediEAT Screener 15 months - 2.5 years is intended for screening children within this age range whose parents and healthcare providers do not currently have concerns about feeding. For example, some NICU/Developmental Follow-up Clinics use the Screener version for all children who attend the clinic. If there are any concerns, the parent should complete the PediEAT Full Version.

    Languages Available: English, Spanish, Romanian, Hebrew

  • PediEAT Screener 2.5 - 7 Years

    The PediEAT Screener 2.5 - 7 years is intended for screening children within this age range whose parents and healthcare providers do not currently have concerns about feeding. For example, some NICU/Developmental Follow-up Clinics use the Screener version for all children who attend the clinic. If there are any concerns, the parent should complete the PediEAT Full Version.

    Languages Available: English, Spanish, Romanian, Hebrew