NeoEAT Bottle-feeding Britt Pados NeoEAT Bottle-feeding Britt Pados

Turkish adaptation of the Neonatal Eating Assessment Tool - Bottle-feeding in preterm infants discharged to home

This paper describes the process of adapting the Neonatal Eating Assessment Tool - Bottle-feeding to Turkish and the psychometric properties of the Turkish version of the tool in a population of preterm infants discharged to home.

Authors: Burcu Aykanat Girgin, Duygu Gozen, Sabiha Caglayan, Britt Frisk Pados

Publication Information: Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences.

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InfantEAT Britt Pados InfantEAT Britt Pados

Development, Psychometric Testing, and Reference Values of the Infant Eating Assessment Tool (InfantEAT)

This paper describes the process of developing, testing, and establishing reference values for the Infant Eating Assessment Tool (InfantEAT). The InfantEAT is different from the NeoEAT in that it can be used with infants who are breastfeeding, bottle-feeding, or doing a combination of breastfeeding and bottle-feeding.

Authors: Britt Pados & Rebecca Hill

Publication Information: Advances in Neonatal Care, 24(1), E2-E10. doi: 10.1097/ANC.0000000000001132

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PediEAT Britt Pados PediEAT Britt Pados

Translation, cultural adaptation, and validation of the Persian version of the Pediatric Eating Assessment Tool.

This paper describes the process of translation and cultural adaptation of the Pediatric Eating Assessment Tool (PediEAT) into Persian.

Authors: Fatemeh Alavi, Zahra Sadat Ghoreishi, Nasibeh Zanjari, Britt Pados, & Roya Choopani

Publication Information: Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica. doi: 10.1159/000527226

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NeoEAT Breastfeeding Britt Pados NeoEAT Breastfeeding Britt Pados

Cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric evaluation of the Neonatal Eating Assessment Tool - Breastfeeding into Tamil

This paper describes the process of translation and cultural adaptation of the Neonatal Eating Assessment Tool (NeoEAT) - Breastfeeding into Tamil. The NeoEAT - Breastfeeding Tamil version has evidence of internal consistency reliability and test-retest reliability, as well as known-groups validity.

Authors: Gopalakrishnan Jayapradha, Lakshmi Venkatesh, Prakash Amboiram, Prabha Sudalaimani, Radish Kumar Balasubramanium, and Britt Pados

Publication Information: Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing (JOGNN). Online ahead of print. doi: 10.1016/j.jogn.2022.03.005

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GIGER Britt Pados GIGER Britt Pados

The Gastrointestinal and Gastroesophageal Reflux (GIGER) Scale for Infants and Toddlers

The GIGER Scale for Infants and Toddlers is a 36-item parent-report questionnaire about symptoms of gastrointestinal distress and gastroesophageal reflux for children under 2 years old. In this study, we present the development of the GIGER Scale and evidence of adequate psychometric properties, including acceptable internal consistency reliability, convergent validity with existing assessments, and known-groups validity.

Authors: Britt Pados, Christine Repsha, & Rebecca Hill

Publication Information: Global Pediatric Health. 2021; 8: 1-8. doi: 10.1177/2333794X211033130

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Impact Scales Britt Pados Impact Scales Britt Pados

The Impact of Feeding on the Parent and Family Scales (Feeding Impact Scales): Development and psychometric testing

The Feeding Impact Scales are a parent-reported measure of the impact of feeding on the parent and family. The Parent Impact Scale is a 12 item scale and the Family Impact Scale is a 13 item scale. In this paper, we present the development of these scale and provide evidence of acceptable internal consistency reliability and convergent validity.

Authors: Hayley Estrem, Britt Pados, Jinhee Park, Suzanne Thoyre, Cara McComish, & Tam Nguyen

Publication Information: Journal of Nursing Measurement. 2020; 29(3). doi: 10.1891/JNM-D-20-00008

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NeoEAT Mixed Feeding Britt Pados NeoEAT Mixed Feeding Britt Pados

Neonatal Eating Assessment Tool - Mixed Breastfeeding and Bottle-feeding: Reference values and factors associated with problematic feeding symptoms in healthy, full-term infants

In this study, we reported reference values for the NeoEAT – Mixed Breastfeeding and Bottle-feeding based on data from 409 infants less than 7 months old. Reference values are provided for infants 0 -2, 2 – 4, 4 – 6, and 6 – 7 months old. Reference values can be used to identify whether an infant’s feeding falls outside of the range of typical for their age in order to support early interventions and/or referral to feeding specialists. In this study, we also found that within healthy, full-term infants, those with more gastrointestinal symptoms had higher NeoEAT – Mixed Feeding scores. In infants with concurrent gastrointestinal symptoms and feeding difficulties, management of gastrointestinal distress may be critical to improvement in overall feeding.

Authors: Britt Pados, Jamarii Johnson, & Madeline Nelson

Publication Information: Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. 2021; 33(11): 938-946. doi: 10.1097/JXX.0000000000000476

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NeoEAT Breastfeeding Britt Pados NeoEAT Breastfeeding Britt Pados

The Neonatal Eating Assessment Tool - Breastfeeding: Reference values for infants less than 7 months old

In this study of 475 healthy, full-term infants, we present reference values for the Neonatal Eating Assessment Tool—Breastfeeding total score and subscale scores. Reference values are provided for infants 0-2, 2-4, 4-6, and 6-7 months old. These data can be used to guide identification of infants whose breastfeeding falls outside of the range of typical to determine need for interventions and or referral to a breastfeeding specialist.

Authors: Britt Pados, Jinhee Park, & Suzanne Thoyre

Publication Information: Journal of Human Lactation. 2020; 36(2): 236-244. doi: 10.1177/0890334419869598

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NeoEAT Mixed Feeding Britt Pados NeoEAT Mixed Feeding Britt Pados

Neonatal Eating Assessment Tool - Mixed Breastfeeding and Bottle-feeding (NeoEAT - Mixed Feeding): Factor analysis and psychometric properties

In this study, we present the factor analysis results and psychometric properties of the NeoEAT – Mixed Breastfeeding and Bottle-feeding for infants less than 7 months old who are feeding by both breast and bottle. Data from 608 infants were used. The NeoEAT – Mixed Breastfeeding and Bottle-feeding is a 68-item parent-report measure with 5 subscales that has evidence of adequate internal consistency reliability and test-retest reliability. The NeoEAT – Mixed Feeding also has evidence of construct validity and known-groups validity. In infants who are both breastfeeding and bottle-feeding, the NeoEAT – Mixed Feeding can be used to identify infants with problematic feeding, guide referral decisions, and evaluate response to interventions.

Authors: Britt Pados, Suzanne Thoyre, & Kara Galer

Publication Information: Maternal Health, Neonatology, & Perinatology. 2019; 5(12): 1-15. doi: 10.1186/s40748-019-0107-7

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ChOMPS Britt Pados ChOMPS Britt Pados

Development and content validation of the Child Oral and Motor Proficiency Scale (ChOMPS)

In this article, we describe the development and content validation of the Child Oral and Motor Proficiency Scale (ChOMPS). The ChOMPS is a 70-item parent-report assessment of eating, drinking, and related skills in children 6 months to 7 years of age. In this paper we provide evidence content validity with healthcare professionals and parents. The ChOMPS is written at a less than sixth grade reading level.

Authors: Britt Pados, Suzanne Thoyre, Jinhee Park, Hayley Estrem, & Cara McComish

Publication Information: Journal of Early Intervention. 2019; 41(3): 220-232. doi: 10.1177/1053815119841091

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ChOMPS Britt Pados ChOMPS Britt Pados

Factor structure and psychometric properties of the Child Oral and Motor Proficiency Scale

In this study, we present the factor structure and psychometric properties of the Child Oral and Motor Proficiency Scale (ChOMPS). Based on data from 364 children between 6 months and 7 years of age, we identified four subscales: complex movement patterns, basic movement patterns, oral-motor coordination, and fundamental oral-motor skills. The ChOMPS is a 63-item parent-report measure of eating, drinking, and related motor skills in children aged 6 months to 7 years with evidence of acceptable internal consistency reliability, test–retest reliability, convergent validity, and known-groups validity.

Authors: Jinhee Park, Britt Pados, Suzanne Thoyre, Hayley Estrem, & Cara McComish

Publication Information: Journal of Early Intervention. 2019; 41(4): 283-299. doi: 10.1177/1053815119841092

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NeoEAT Bottle-feeding Britt Pados NeoEAT Bottle-feeding Britt Pados

The Neonatal Eating Assessment Tool - Bottle-feeding: Norm-reference values for infants less than 7 months old

The Neonatal Eating Assessment Tool (NeoEAT)–Bottle-feeding is a parent-report assessment of bottle-feeding behavior in infants less than 7 months old. In this study, data from 478 healthy, full-term, typically-developing infants were used to establish reference values for the NeoEAT-Bottlefeeding. Reference values are available for infants 0-2, 2-4, 4-6, and 6-7 months old. These reference values can be used to guide score interpretation and clinical decision making.

Authors: Britt Pados, Jinhee Park, & Suzanne Thoyre

Publication Information: Clinical Pediatrics. 2019; 58(8): 857-863. doi: 10.1177/0009922819839234

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EFS Britt Pados EFS Britt Pados

Psychometric properties of the Early Feeding Skills assessment tool

The Early Feeding Skills (EFS) tool is a clinician-reported measure of early feeding skills in young infants. In this study involving 142 feeding observations by EFS-trained clinicians, we identified the factor structure of the EFS and established evidence of construct validity with the Infant-Driven Feeding Scale-Quality (IDFS-Q), gestational age, and postmenstrual age. The EFS can be used by clinicians to guide feeding assessment and tailor care, and can be used in research.

Authors: Suzanne Thoyre, Britt Pados, Catherine Shaker, Kristy Fuller, & Jinhee Park

Publication Information: Advances in Neonatal Care. 2018; 18(5): E13-23. doi: 10.1097/ANC.0000000000000537

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NeoEAT Bottle-feeding Britt Pados NeoEAT Bottle-feeding Britt Pados

Factor structure and psychometric properties of the Neonatal Eating Assessment Tool - Bottle-feeding (NeoEAT - Bottle-feeding)

In this study of 441 infants under 7 months old, we identified the factor structure of the Neonatal Eating Assessment Tool (NeoEAT)- Bottle-feeding and established evidence of adequate psychometric properties. The NeoEAT – Bottle-feeding is a 64-item parent-report measure of symptoms of problematic bottle-feeding. There are 5 subscales. The NeoEAT – Bottle-feeding has evidence of adequate internal consistency reliability, test-retest reliability, construct validity, and known-groups validity. The NeoEAT – Bottle-feeding can be used for clinical practice and research.

Authors: Britt Pados, Suzanne Thoyre, Hayley Estrem, Jinhee Park, & Cara McComish

Publication Information: Advances in Neonatal Care. 2018; 18(3): 232-242. doi: 10.1097/ANC.0000000000000494

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PediEAT Britt Pados PediEAT Britt Pados

Age-based norm-reference values for the Pediatric Eating Assessment Tool

In this study of 1110 healthy, full-term children between the ages of 6 months and 7 years old, we established age-based reference values for the Pediatric Eating Assessment Tool (PediEAT). Reference values are provided for each of 11 age groups. With increasing age, PediEAT total scores followed a general downward trajectory. Physiologic Symptoms were relatively steady from 6 to 15 months, and then rapidly declined in 15–18 month olds and continued to decline thereafter. Problematic Mealtime Behaviors peaked in 24–30 month olds and then declined with age. Selective/Restrictive Eating increased from 6 to 9 months to a peak at 12–15 months and then decreased over time thereafter. Symptoms of difficulty with Oral Processing decreased with age. Reference values for the PediEAT can be used to guide score interpretation, clinical decision-making, and tailor interventions to the child’s needs.

Authors: Britt Pados, Suzanne Thoyre, & Jinhee Park

Publication Information: Pediatric Research. 2018; 84(2): 233-239. doi: 10.1038/s41390-018-0067-z

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NeoEAT Breastfeeding Britt Pados NeoEAT Breastfeeding Britt Pados

Factor structure and psychometric properties of the Neonatal Eating Assessment Tool –Breastfeeding

In this study of 402 breastfeeding infants younger than 7 months old, we identified seven subscales of the Neonatal Eating Assessment Tool (NeoEAT) – Breastfeeding. In this study, we also established evidence of acceptable internal consistency reliability, test–retest reliability, concurrent validity, and known-groups validity. The NeoEAT – Breastfeeding can be used in clinical practice and research.

Authors: Britt Pados, Suzanne Thoyre, Hayley Estrem, Jinhee Park, & Cara McComish

Publication Information: Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing. 2018; 47: 396-414. doi: 10.1016/j.jogn.2018.02.014

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ChOMPS Britt Pados ChOMPS Britt Pados

Age-based norm-reference values for the Child Oral and Motor Proficiency Scale

In this study of 402 breastfeeding infants younger than 7 months old, we identified seven subscales of the Neonatal Eating Assessment Tool (NeoEAT) – Breastfeeding. In this study, we also established evidence of acceptable internal consistency reliability, test–retest reliability, concurrent validity, and known-groups validity. The NeoEAT – Breastfeeding can be used in clinical practice and research.

Authors: Britt Pados, Jinhee Park, & Suzanne Thoyre

Publication Information:

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PediEAT Britt Pados PediEAT Britt Pados

The Pediatric Eating Assessment Tool: Factor structure and psychometric properties

In this study of 567 children between the ages of 6 months and 7 years old, we identified the factor structure of the Pediatric Eating Assessment Tool (PediEAT) and established evidence of it’s psychometric properties. The PediEAT has 4 subscales (Physiologic Symptoms, Problematic Mealtime Behaviors, Selective/Restrictive Eating, Oral Processing) and has evidence of internal consistency reliability, test-retest reliability, construct validity, and known-groups validity. The PediEAT can be used in clinical practice and research.

Authors: Suzanne Thoyre, Britt Pados, Jinhee Park, Hayley Estrem, Cara McComish, & Eric Hodges

Publication Information: Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. 2018; 66(2): 299-305. doi: 10.1097/MPG.0000000000001765

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NeoEAT Britt Pados NeoEAT Britt Pados

The Neonatal Eating Assessment Tool: Development and content validation

In this paper, we describe the development and content validation of the Neonatal Eating Assessment Tool (NeoEAT), a parent-report measure of infant feeding. Questions on the NeoEAT were validated by parents and healthcare professionals. Three versions were developed: Breastfeeding, Bottle-feeding, and Mixed Breastfeeding and Bottle-feeding.

Authors: Britt Pados, Hayley Estrem, Suzanne Thoyre, Jinhee Park, & Cara McComish

Publication Information: Neonatal Network: The Journal of Neonatal Nursing. 2017; 36(6): 359-67. doi: 10.1891/0730-0832.36.6.359

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NeoEAT, EFS Britt Pados NeoEAT, EFS Britt Pados

Assessment tools for evaluation of oral feeding in infants younger than 6 months

In this literature review, we evaluated the currently available (at the time) tools for the clinical assessment of bottle-feeding and breastfeeding in infants younger than 6 months. In this paper, we provide information about the 18 identified assessment tools. For 7 of these, there were limited available literature or they were only intended for use in a specific population of infants. Of the 11 remaining assessment tools, all 11 were appropriate for use with breastfeeding infants but only 2 were intended for bottle-feeding. None had adequate psychometric development and testing. While all should be used with caution given limited psychometric testing, the Early Feeding Skills (EFS) Assessment and Bristol Breastfeeding Assessment Tool had the most supportive psychometric development and testing.

Authors: Britt Pados, JInhee Park, Hayley Estrem, & Araba Awotwi

Publication Information: Advances in Neonatal Care. 2016; 16(2): 143-150. doi: 10.1097/ANC.0000000000000255

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